Photography for the Books
During the past 4 years of my photographic career, I’ve had privilege to work on two solo book projects, celebrating our Garden State: Our New Jersey & America the Beautiful-New Jersey. During this time, I traveled hundreds of miles, crisscrossing the state in search of all that New Jerseyians are proud of. While different in format both of these hardcover coffee table books shines a spot light on New Jersey, highlighting the main historical, cultural, and natural features, in urban, rural, and wilderness settings. They present both popular tourist attractions and some well known local places.
I like to communicate through my images more than any other medium. It always makes me simile when I hear someone identifying themselves with a photo of mine. I believe the most successful images are those that evoke a genuine emotional response. My favorite images are the wide sweeping natural landscapes of New Jersey’s untrammeled and preserved vistas. Many of these photo opportunities were elusive, fleeting moments requiring me to move with the ever changing weather and tides. I have come to the conclusion, that you are either anticipating a moment, or chasing it.
The books make a great gift and I am happy to write a personalized message should you desire, along with my signature.
Thanks for considering my work, wishing you the best New Jersey has to offer.